WannnSample email message for a job applicationSubject: Software Engineer Looking for Next Role — 5 years experienceJan 7, 2023Jan 7, 2023
WannnDear managersYou have a tremendous amount of control over the morale, motivation, and retention of your team.Jan 5, 2023Jan 5, 2023
WannnDo not refuse the corporate cultureA letter from my dad about how to make my company bigger.Jan 4, 2023Jan 4, 2023
WannnCustomize mac terminalI want to share with you, how to customize the MAC terminal, iTerm2 and Visual Studio Code terminal with ZSH and powerlevel10k.Dec 30, 2022Dec 30, 2022
WannnInstall homebrew on M1 MacInstall the Homebrew package manager. This will allow you to install almost any app from the command line.Dec 30, 2022Dec 30, 2022